47-Champions Awards

KCIC in partnership with the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), Youth Fund KE, Ministry of Youth and GIZ launched a joint call for applications in August 2020 targeted to recognize successful youth-driven Agribusiness initiatives across the 47 counties of Kenya.
The main objective of the award was to encourage youth economic empowerment through sustainable job creation in the Agribusiness sector by nurturing, supporting, and giving visibility to role-model ‘agripreneurs’ in Kenya.
Those selected will be provided with services such as technical assistance, access to finance and market linkages to support the commercialization of innovative products and services. The award package also includes study tours, opportunities to attend technical training, mentorship support, exhibitions of agricultural products and policy dialogues related to youth employment in agriculture.
Each county is to have one overall winner and four agribusiness champions who will be members of the 47 champions club and act as role models for Agribusiness best practices in each county. KCL has been running the 47 Champions from its inception. A total of 595 applications were received from 46 out of 47 counties (there were no applications from Samburu County). A total of 148 enterprises were shortlisted from 38 counties.
Read more about the 47 Champions on https://www.kenyacic.org/2020/11/47-champions-awards-a-hope-for-agri-entrepreneurship/