KCL Set to implement ICR Facility in Botswana Kciconsulting November 11, 2021 Kenya Climate Innovation Center Consulting Limited (KCL) is this November leading the Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility
COP26 High-Level Award Ceremony for the YouthADAPT Challenge Kciconsulting November 5, 2021 The inaugural African Youth Adaptation Solutions Challenge (YouthADAPT Challenge) is climaxing today in a high
COP 26: The world awaits a white smoke Kciconsulting November 3, 2021 The 2021 United Nations climate change conference (COP26) is currently taking place in Glasgow city of Scotland
YouthADAPT Solutions Challenge: Unveiling the top twenty finalists Kciconsulting November 3, 2021 The 2021 African Youth Adaptation Solutions Challenge Awards are approaching and after a period
4C-K Conference, A Must Attend Kciconsulting October 26, 2021 On 10th November 2021, Kenya Climate Innovation Centre (KCIC), in partnership with KCIC Consulting, KEPSA
Africa Adaptation Acceleration Day Kciconsulting October 26, 2021 The Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA), in partnership with the Africa Union (AU) African Development Bank (AfDB)
Banks Board put on the hot seat on managing climate change risks Kciconsulting October 21, 2021 Last week, in my article in the Business Daily I predicted the introduction of climate-related requirements
Why eco-reports can make or break firms Kciconsulting October 2, 2021 Sustainability reporting has become a buzzword that companies, ranging from SMEs to large firms as well
Adopting a circular procurement process Kciconsulting October 2, 2021 Manufacturers in recent times have discovered and started exploiting the benefits of circular economic production.
LE GCA ET LA BAD LANCENT UN PROJET POUR SOUTENIR LES JEUNES AVEC DES INNOVATIONS EN MATIÈRE D’ADAPTATION ET DE RÉSILIENCE CLIMATIQUE AVEC 1,000,000 USD Kciconsulting October 2, 2021 Le Centre mondial pour l’adaptation (GCA) et le Groupe de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD)